연구의 선진화와 생산성 향상에
필요한 최적의 소프트웨어와 컨설팅을
공급하도록 노력하겠습니다.

인터페이스에 관하여


파일을 열거나 생성할 때, 모델 입력 파라미터들을 만들거나 수정할 때, 시뮬레이션을 실행 할 때 그리고 결과를 디스플레이할 때 이들 모듈 사이를 매끄럽게 전환할 수 있습니다.


디스플레이 제어 버튼들

모델의 단면 뷰(View) 및 횡단면 디스플레이 사이를 빠르고 쉽게 전환할 수 있는 능력은 모델 입력 파라미터들과 시뮬레이션 결과들의 3차원 양상에 대한 보다 좋은 조감을 얻을 수 있게 해줍니다.

Visualization of pathlines in three-dimensions

Navigator Cube

Navigator Cube는 모델 격자와 레이어들를 3차원 표 형식으로 표출해 줍니다. 이 Navigator Cube는 모델 도메인(Domain) 내에서 여러분의 활성화 위치에 대한 가시적 참조를 빠르게 제공합니다. 또한, 사용자가 화면에서 마우스를 움직임에 따라 Navigator Cube 아래에 활성화된 마우스의 위치(X,Y, Z 모델 좌표와 I, J, K 격자 좌표)가 인터랙티브하게 표시됩니다.

Natural attenuation of contaminant plumes

Cell Inspector

Cell Inspector는 선택한 셀 단위로 모델 파라미터 값들을 확인할  때 사용합니다. Cell Inspector에서 볼 수 있는 모델 파라미터들은 다음과 같습니다:

Grid Position

Model Position

World Position

Properties (Kx, Ky, Kz, Specific Yield, Specific Storage, Effective Porosity, Initial Head, and Initial Concentration values)

Boundary Conditions


Evaluation of funnel & gate remediation

모델 생성하기

프로젝트 마법사(Project Wizard)

향상된 프로젝트 생성 마법사가 여러분의 프로젝트 목적에 맞는 최적의 수치 엔진을 선택하도록 도와 줄 것입니다. 또한, MODFLOW-2000, MODFLOW-96 그리고 MODFLOW-88 데이터들을 읽을 수 있습니다.

Site Map Layers

현장 지도를 읽어서 여러분의 모델에 중첩할 수 있습니다. 지원되는 파일 형식 예 - AutoCAD(.DXF), Shapefiles(.SHP), 래스터 이미지들(.BMP, .JPG, .GIF)

Calculated heads using MODFLOW

Grid Design

Visual MODFLOW는 모델 격자를 현장 특성과 지하수 흐름 방향과 일치시키기 위해 현장 지도(.DXF 또는 .BMP)에 대해 모멜 도메인(Domain)를 회전시킬 수 있습니다. 유한 차분 격자를 추가, 삭제, 이동 등 편집할 수 있고 행, 열 그리고 레이어들을 자동으로 정제(refine)해줍니다.

Automatic Grid Smothing

적합한 격자 간격의 모델 격자를 설계하여 사용자가 필요로 하는 상세 정도를 제공하면서 솔루션에 요구되는 면적에 대한 수치적 안정성을 유지하는 것이 중요합니다.

Assigned hydrogeological properties to each grid cell

Importing Layer Elevations

대부분의 대수층(aquifers)은 '평평한' 레이어가 아니므로, Visual Studio는 surface 데이터를 ASCII(X, Y, Z), Surfer(GRD), USGS DEM(.DEM), ESRI(.GRD), MapInfo(.GRD) 파일로부터 불러 올 수 있습니다.

XYZ ASCII 파일들들(TXT), MS Access Database (MDB), MS Excel (XLS), 그리고 ESRI Point Shape files (SHP)로부터 레이어 표고 데이터를 불러와서 내삽처리할 수 있습니다.

제어점들을 지정, 내삽 결과를 다룰 수 있는 옵션을 제공합니다.

Import and interpolate layer elevations and property zones

Grid Cell Elevation Editor

이 툴은 Array editor를 이용하여 각 셀의 개별 표고(elevation)을 편집할 수 있게 해줍니다. 드래그 앤 드롭(Drag-and drop) 방식을 이용하여 횡단면에서 셀 표고들을 편집할 수 있는데, 셀 두깨를 늘이거나 압축할 수 있습니다. 

우물 양수(Pumping Wells)

직관적인 우물 편집기(well edit tool)을 이용하여 우물 양수 또는 주입을 추가하거나 복사 또는 제거할 수 있고, well screen 간격을 그래픽저으로 윤곽을 그리거나 ASCII 텍스트 파일로부터 실시간 양수 스케쥴을 불러 올 수 있습니다. 우물 양수가 많은 사이트의 경우, Visual MODFLOW는 양수 관련 모든 데이터들을 불러 올 수 있습니다.

.txt, .vc, .shp, .xls, .mdb 파일들로부터 불러 올 수 있습니다.

Multiple well screens for a single well are easily accommodated while the pumping rate distribution between layers is automatically calculated based on the transmissivity of the layers through which it is screened.

Observation Wells

Visual MODFLOW Pro is the only MODFLOW modeling environment that allows you to assign multi-level observation wells, just like ones you have in the field. In addition, Visual MODFLOW is the only modeling software package that allows you to group the observation points into one or more observation groups. This grouping feature is used for interpreting the calibration data for an isolated section(s) of your model domain.


Visual MODFLOW Pro separates the model properties into two distinct categories:

Flow Properties

Those physical model properties affecting the groundwater flow simulation. Flow properties include; hydraulic conductivity (Kx, Ky, and Kz), specific storage (Ss), specific yield (Sy), porosity and initial heads.

Transport Properties

Those physical and chemical model properties affecting the fate, migration and degradation of a contaminant plume in groundwater, or adsorbed to the soil. Transport properties include; dispersion (Dx, Dy and Dz), bulk density, distribution coefficient (Kd), decay constants, initial concentrations.

Import property zones from ESR1 polygon (.SHP) files.

Properties can be interpolated from XYZ ASCII files (TXT), MS Access Database (MDB), MS Excel (XLS), and ESRI Point Shape files (SHP). Interpolation options include Natural Neighbor, Kriging, and Inverse Distance.

Boundary Conditions

MODFLOW boundary conditions supported by Visual MODFLOW Pro include both steady-state and transient Constant Heads, Rivers, General Heads, Drains, Recharge and Evapotranspiration. The Horizontal Flow Barrier package is also supported.

Visual MODFLOW Pro also supports all contaminant transport boundary conditions available for the latest versions of MT3D including MT3DMS for multi-species transport, and RT3D for reactive transport and natural attenuation simulation. These include constant, recharge, or evapotranspiration concentration, and point source.

For transient simulations, real-time schedules of boundary condition values can be entered directly or imported into the time schedule from an ASCII text file. Recharge and evapotranspiration boundary conditions can be imported from ESRI polygon shapefiles.


Forward or backward tracking particles can be easily assigned for determining advective transport, preferred flow pathways and delineating well capture zones. Visual MODFLOW Pro’s intuitive graphical tools allow you to easily assign single particles, lines of particles and a circle of particles anywhere in your model domain.

Zone Budget

The Zone Budget package allows you to produce zone-to-zone flow summaries for regions of interest in your model domain. Define zone budget flow observations, such as baseflow to a stream, or flux across a boundary, which can be used for calibrating the groundwater flow model against data other than just head measurements. Zone budget observations can be included in WinPEST.

Enviro-Base Pro

Visual MODFLOW Pro now integrates Enviro-Base Pro - an all-in-one database designed to house a variety of referenced property information used when developing groundwater models. Enviro-Base Pro enables you to consolidate your technical references into one package that can be easily launched, searched and updated.


시뮬레이션 실행하기

설정 실행하기

Visual MODFLOW를 이용하여, 여러 모델들을 연속해서 실행하기 위한 배치 파일을 쉽게 설정할 수 있습니다. 이러한 강력한 기능을 이용하여 동일 모델에 대해 여러 버전을 만들어 실행하면서 다른 작업을 할 수 있습니다.

Initial head estimates (import from ASCII or Surfer, or previous run). Option to calculate VCONT from ground elevation or initial heads

Number of time-steps and time-step multiplier

Solver selection and convergence settings

Recharge layer settings

Layer-types (e.g. confined, unconfined)

Rewetting options, including option to maintain a minimum saturated thickness for dry cells and to specify a head value in these cells equivalent to the cell bottom elevation.

Anisotropy option


MT3D run settings include:

Initial concentrations (import from ASCII or Surfer)

Solver and advection package settings (UFD, TVD, MOC, MMOC, HMOC)

Simulation output times


Advanced Settings

For the advanced users of MODFLOW, you can substitute your own manually created input data files for any MODFLOW by using the Advanced Settings. The Advanced Settings allows you to specify which files you will use from Visual MODFLOW Pro, and which files you will substitute.

Batch Runs

Visual MODFLOW Pro also now allows you to easily set up a batch file to run several models in succession. This is a very powerful feature that allows you to create several versions of the same model and then run the models while you are doing other tasks.

The Win32 MODFLOW Suite

Visual MODFLOW Pro includes the Win32 MODFLOW Suite with MODFLOW-2000, MODPATH, Zone Budget, MT3DMS and RT3D compiled to run as true Windows, 32-Bit applications. This unique and powerful modeling utility actually provides you with the ability to control the numerical solution process by manipulating the solver parameters and convergence criteria while the solution is in progress. In addition, it provides a real-time graphical display of the solution convergence data and a detailed graphical summary of the Zone Budget results.

After each successful run has completed, the Win32 MODFLOW Suite automatically produces all of the necessary files required for you to analyze and interpret the results, and produce full-color, report-quality graphical presentations using Visual MODFLOW Pro’s post-processing graphical features.


Power Features


SEAWAT is a generic MODFLOW/MT3DMS-based computer program designed to simulate three-dimensional variable-density groundwater flow coupled with multi-species solute and heat transport. The program has been used for a wide variety of groundwater studies including those focused on brine migration in continental aquifers as well as those focused on saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers. SEAWAT uses the familiar structure of MODFLOW and MT3DMS. Thus, most of the commonly used pre and post-processors can be used to create SEAWAT datasets and visualize results.

SEAWAT Version 4 is backward compatible with datasets created for SEAWAT-2000 and, therefore, SEAWAT-2000 is no longer supported or maintained.

MGO - Modular Groundwater Optimizer

Modular Groundwater Optimizer is a simulation optimization software system, that can be used to reduce the costs associated with installing and operating a pump-and-treat remediation system. MGO code can be applied with no or minor modification to a variety of groundwater resource management issues and other types of remediation systems such as bioremediation, optimization of groundwater pump-and-treat systems.

GMG Solver Implementation

The new Geometric Multigrid Solver (GMG) solver from USGS has been integrated with the MODFLOW-2000 and SEAWAT-2000 Engines. GMG is based on the geometric multigrid solver method. The GMG solver has been demonstrated to greatly reduce model run times relative to other solvers using a comparable amount of memory.

MNW - Multi-Node Well

The simulation of pumpage by wells is a fundamental and widely used feature of ground-water models such as MODFLOW. Visual MODFLOW’s new addition, the Multi-Node Well Package, is designed to help simulate wells with well screens that span multiple layers. Now you can accurately simulate pumping wells screened in multiple aquifers.


Add-on Packages


MIKE 11, developed by DHI, is a world-recognized surface water modeling package designed for simulating the hydrodynamic conditions found in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and irrigation canals. Visual MODFLOW Pro and MIKE 11 are now available as a fully coupled, groundwater and surface water simulation environment. This impressive combination represents the only truly conjunctive groundwater/surface water model combining USGS MODFLOW 2000and DHI’s MIKE 11. Ideally suited for:

Analyzing the hydraulic connection between rivers, streams, and aquifer systems

Determining groundwater base-flow and potential impacts to ecologically sensitive areas

Calculating infiltration rates from surface water to groundwater during rainfall events

Developing comprehensive watershed management plans


MODFLOW-SURFACT is a three-dimensional finite-difference flow and transport program containing many advancements and improvements over the standard public-domain versions of MODFLOW.

With more robust solution methods and enhanced simulation capabilities for handling complex saturated/unsaturated subsurface flow and transport processes, MODFLOW-SURFACT is specifically designed to address the many limitations and short-comings of the standard MODFLOW codes.

Use MODFLOW-SURFACT when simulating:

Multiple water tables, or perched water table systems

Steep water table gradients crossing multiple model layers

Over-pumped wells screened across multiple model layers

Surface water infiltration through the vadose zone to the water table

Large water table fluctuations causing desaturation/ resaturation of grid cells

Soil vapor flow through the unsaturated zone


결과 해석 및 표출

In order to get the most out of the model that you build, it is critical that you have the tools necessary to properly analyze the results.

Contouring and Color Maps

Visual MODFLOW Pro creates detailed contour maps of modeling results including:

Heads, drawdown and multi-species concentrations

Water table elevations/depth and net recharge

Head difference between layers and flux between layers

High-quality color shaded contouring is also available for creating presentation quality color maps of all contoured results.

Flow Velocity Vectors and Pathlines

Visual MODFLOW Pro displays flow velocity vectors and flow pathlines. Flow velocity vectors can be used to effectively illustrate the direction and magnitude of groundwater flow velocity throughout the model domain.

Export Options

Export model display to Raster image format (.BMP, .JPG, .TIF, .PNG, .TIF), or AutoCAD (.DXF) in model or world co-ordinates

Export contour lines, velocity vector maps, and pathline locations to ESRI Shapefile (.SHP) in model or world co-ordinates

Export a wide variety of gridded data to ASCII .TXT, Surfer .GRD, or TecPlot (.DAT) Visualization using VMOD 3D-Explorer

To achieve an in-depth understanding of your model, and to effectively present the model results to clients or the general public, we’ve incorporated powerful two and three dimensional visualization and animation tools through the VMOD 3D-Explorer.

Create contour/color maps of model properties and simulation results

Present graphical summaries of global and local mass budgets

Create model calibration plots and statistical summaries including mean error, absolute mean error, standard deviation, and many more!

Full control of map overlays - save your overlay configurations and view only the overlays you require!

Display 3D pumping wells and observation wells

Represent soil property zones and boundary conditions in 3D

Render high resolution 3D volumetric contaminant plumes

Create irregular shaped cross-sections

3D pathlines with time markers

Define 3D cut-away regions

Animate sequential degradation of contaminant plumes and save into AVI file format for use in Microsoft PowerPoint presentations!

Mass Budgets for Flow and Transport

Visual MODFLOW Pro produces detailed tabular and graphical reports of the mass balances for both the flow and mass transport simulations. These reports provide global and local summaries of the mass inflows and outflow from the system, or from a localized region of the model.


Visual MODFLOW Pro prints full-color, high-resolution graphics to any printer or plotter supported by Windows. The graphical display of the simulation results and/or input files can be printed in portrait or landscape format as a full-page image or with a title block that describes the details of the model and the results being displayed. Color-shaded contours can be printed with or without a color legend.

Visual MODFLOW Pro also prints the on-screen display to several graphics file formats and exports results to ASCII files in two or three dimensional format.


모델 보정


WinPEST has been seamlessly integrated into Visual MODFLOW Pro to allow you to conveniently select the model parameters you want to optimize, and then easily launch the built-in WinPEST application directly.

WinPEST not only modifies the MODFLOW input data files, it also modifies and updates the Visual MODFLOW Project data files. This makes it much more practical and convenient to re-load your model files once the automated calibration procedure is completed.

Supported parameters for a PEST simulation include flow properties and recharge. You can include head and/or concentration observations, and zone budget observations in the objective function.

During PEST execution, you can view a number of useful pieces of information for displaying and interpreting the PEST simulation results, many of them in real-time graphical form. You can also see how PEST adjusted the values of the parameters during the optimization process.

In all of these plots, Right-Clicking on the graphs and selecting Properties will allow you to alter the appearance of the plots. These plots include:

Objective Function (Phi) Covariance
Composite Sensitivity Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
Parameters History Uncertainties
Marquardt Lambda Residuals
Calculated vs. Observed Residual Histogram
Jacobian Prediction
Correlation Regularization Weight Factor

Tools for Manual Calibration

An extensive set of built-in model calibration plotting utilities and statistical calculations help you properly evaluate the modeling results and interpret the calibration data. Comprehensive calibration plotting utilities and statistical summaries provide you with all the graphical interpretation tools you need to properly and thoroughly analyze the model calibration data.

Visual MODFLOW allows you to assign multi-level observation wells and group the observation points for isolated analysis of local model regions.

For each simulation Visual MODFLOW calculates the following calibration statistics:

Mean Error

Mean Absolute Error

Standard Error of the Estimate

Root Mean Error

Normalized Root Mean Error

These statistics can be calculated for all observations, or just for selected groups of observation points (as defined by the user).

The calibration plotting options provided include:

Scatter plot of calculated vs. observed data

Histogram of calibration residuals

Time-series plot of calculated and observed data

Time-series plot of calibration statistics

Bubble plot of calibration residuals

All plots can be exported to common image format (.BMP, .JPG, .TIF, .PNG), and the plot data can be exported to .ASCII for further analysis.



시스템 요구 조건

Supported on Windows XP Pro SP2, and Windows Vista (Business, Enterprise and Ultimate)

RAM: 512MB and 1GB (or more) would be recommended

Hard drive space: 200MB

A minimum screen resolution of 1024 X 768

A Microsoft compatible mouse

Microsoft Framework 2.0 installed


Visual MODFLOW 버전별 기능 비교



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